You will connect with Belinda for an hour each week or fortnightly to work together with spirit to assist you to be a positive influence in your life.
Belinda will use her medium and psychic abilities to connect to your spirit guides.
Using intuitive insight and the messages from your guides she will assist you with the insight you need at this moment and lead you through unlocking, awakening and discovering who you are & what you’re here to do or achieve.
This program is designed to help you to....
Trust your intuitive insight
Make life-changing decisions from the right place within
Re-program old patterns, thoughts & beliefs that aren’t serving you best right now
Understand where these beliefs & patterns come from (current or past lifes) & why you need to shift them
Discover your life purpose & begin working towards it, accepting and embodying this attribute into your life in any way possible
Belinda draws on many tools to assist you in this program including; connecting to your guides for insight, energy healing, meditations, chakra work, mantras & affirmations.
Limited times available. Please request a time on applying
One to one session
Online sessions via Skype or Zoom
In person (at an energetically supported location on the Gold Coast, to be advised by Belinda)